Winning cases, restoring justice, rebuilding lives.
Car, truck, and motorcycle wrecks are a terribly common occurrence in America, more than 75% of all drivers – 3 out of 4! – have been through at least one car accident. In legal terms, a motor vehicle accident is when a car, truck, or motorcycle causes injury to the driver or passenger in another motor vehicle or to a pedestrian. Were you or someone you love injured in a car, truck, or motorcycle wreck?
Were you rear ended by a truck while stuck in highway traffic?
Were you crossing the street when a speeding car struck you?
Did a driver run a red light and hit you or your car?
At Sean Park Law Firm, it’s our job and our mission to secure the justice and maximum compensation our clients deserve for their pain and suffering. The timing in these cases is critical. The sooner you discuss your case with a seasoned personal injury lawyer, the sooner you can have peace of mind and focus on healing. Allow us to guide you through this time and advocate on your behalf.
We’re here to help.

I was in a motorcycle accident when I was 26. I lost part of my leg because the other driver was texting, but it wasn’t illegal yet, and on paper, my case was not one a law firm should pursue. No one thought I had a case except Sean. Two other law firms turned me down. And the difference between Sean’s law firm and the others is that Sean doesn’t shrink from hard work. Because my case wasn’t easy.
I was not in good shape when I met Sean. I was in debt from the accident, I had lost my job, my credit was shot, I had one month left on the statute of limitations, and I was the least trusting person you ever met. I trusted nobody. Yet for some reason, when I met him, I knew I could trust Sean because he talked straight to me. He will not B.S. you. He will look at you as a human being with a need, not a dollar sign. If he says he can help you, he will. And if he says he can’t, he’ll find someone for you who can.
“He’s a bulldog when you need one
and he’s a friend.”
And if he takes your case, you’re lucky. First of all, he’s really smart. That’s paramount in law, understanding cases, how they relate, having the brain power and the resources to reach out and use those things to your advantage. I wouldn’t want a stupid lawyer to represent me. You don’t want a stupid lawyer to represent you, either.
And second, he’s a bulldog. I needed someone who would fight for me and wouldn’t give up until he tracked down the witnesses, found the missing information, filled in all the holes and we won. The financials that came out of the settlement got me back on my feet. I paid off my debt, fixed my credit, and put my life back together. Sean helped me rebuild.
I’ve always believed that success comes to those who work hard, those who out work the competition. And Sean is the mirror image of me, taking something from nothing in a tight timeframe and stopping at nothing to make it happen. He’s a bulldog when you need one and he’s also a friend. I never thought I’d be friends with my lawyer, but Sean fought for me to get a sense of fairness back in my life and it was inspiring. I’ve considered going to law school someday just to help people who need it like I did, to help people like Sean helped me. He’s a great dude and I can’t speak highly enough of the interaction we’ve had.

Scott’s Story
I was rear-ended very hard but I’m pretty easy going so I went to the defendant’s recommended body shop and had to fight just to get a rental car. I felt I was going to be on the losing end, so I started Google searching and Sean came up on a website that was heavily dependent on client reviews and he rose to the top of the list, the top of his profession. So much so that I thought my case might not be big enough for him. But I got in touch with him and from then on my experience A to Z was him exceeding expectations.
If you’ve been injured in an accident and need to know if a skilled personal injury attorney thinks you have a good case, we can tell you in less than 5 minutes. All you have to do is answer a maximum of 6 multiple choice questions.
Let’s get started.

Natalia’s Story
Sean helped me twice. I had two serious car accidents in 5 years.
The first time, I was hit by a car almost head on and was sent to the hospital. One of my friends recommended Sean. I didn’t know anything legally, but I knew I could trust him pretty quickly. He was never pushy, wasn’t trying to sell me.
Though we can’t control what happens on the road,
we can control how we respond if and when we get into an accident. Follow these steps for your best shot at a great outcome.
For your safety, download our 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT DO guide below, Print it, and keep a copy in your home. Make additional copies for people you love.
10 Things You Should And Should Not Do After A Car/Truck/Motorcycle Accident
IF POSSIBLE, DRIVE YOUR CAR OUT OF TRAFFIC AND DETERMINE IF THERE ARE INJURIES Put your hazards or blinking lights on and indicate to the other driver that you’re pulling off the road so you won’t cause another accident to occur. Once your car is safely on the shoulder of the road, see if anyone in your car is injured.
CALL 911 Even if no one appears to have been hurt, and whether or not you think you were at fault, call 911 and tell them where you are, how many vehicles were involved, and if there are any injuries.
STAY WITH YOUR CAR Unless an ambulance arrives to take you directly to the hospital, stay at the scene of the accident until the police arrive.
DO NOT POST PHOTOS, VIDEOS, OR TEXT ON SOCIAL MEDIA Many cases have been profoundly affected by the photos, texts, and videos that drivers have posted after their accident. Don’t do it.
GATHER INFORMATION If you’re not injured, see if the driver/passengers in the other car are injured. If not, take a photo of the driver’s license and insurance card or write down the name of the insurance company and policy number. Write down names of passengers. Take photos of the damage, make, model, and license plate number of all cars involved; and of weather and traffic conditions that may have affected the accident. Get witnesses’ contact information.
ALLOW THE POLICE TO FULLY INVESTIGATE AND MAKE SURE THEY WRITE A REPORT Don’t discuss or apologize for what happened with anyone. The police often investigate as soon as they arrive. Tell them what you saw and experienced and let them draw conclusions. You will be given a copy of the police report before they leave the scene of the accident. If the other driver was reluctant to show an ID or insurance card, the police will get that information from them.
SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL TREATMENT Insurance companies love to minimize your injuries by saying you weren’t hurt badly enough to immediately seek medical evaluation and treatment. Listen to your body and make sure to seek follow up care for any persistent aches, pains, and limitations.
CONTACT YOUR OWN INSURANCE COMPANY Similar to your conversation with the police, call your insurance company to report the wreck and initiate a claim. Stick to just providing the factual details of what happened. If an insurance adjuster calls you to ask for a recorded statement, contact an attorney immediately before you agree to give a recorded statement to any insurance company.
DO NOT SPEAK TO THE OTHER DRIVER’S INSURANCE COMPANY OR SIGN ANY DOCUMENTS You are not required to speak with the other driver’s insurance company. Don’t do it – it can only work against you. And certainly do not sign any sort of agreement or promise of payment for the damage to your car or any injuries you’ve sustained.
CONTACT A PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY QUICKLY Leave it to the professionals to straighten out the legal aspect of the car accident. Remember: you pay nothing unless you win your case. The sooner you hire your own attorney and share everything you remember about the accident with total honesty, the CLICK HERE TO PRINT. better it is for your case and your outcome. Don’t try to manage your case on your own.

Elsa’s Story
APRIL My mom, Elsa, was crossing a crosswalk when she was hit by a car and by the time we got to the hospital we realized the person who hit her had low insurance and we needed an attorney to help cover costs. A family friend referred us to Sean.
ELSA When we met him he was very open. And he didn’t rush us. I felt like he was going to take care of me.